Welcome to


This is my personal home page!
I know, may be I am dissapointing you,
but this page is currently under construction.
So why not visit this page later?

In the mean time, click here, if you may need to contact me


Amzing, isn't it?

1                    x    8   +   1   =   9
12                  x    8   +   2   =   98
123                x    8   +   3   =   987
1234              x    8   +   4   =   9876
12345            x    8   +   5   =   98765
123456          x    8   +   6   =   987654
1234567        x    8   +   7   =   9876543
12345678      x    8   +   8   =   98765432
123456789    x    8   +   9   =   987654321